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NBA Players Boycott 2020 Playoffs Game

NBA Boycotts Playoff Game

In the wake of another shooting of an unarmed African American man, NBA teams have responded in their own way.

As the rise in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and protesting against police brutality continues, there have been extreme measures to broadcast it. This week the NBA has responded in more ways than one to a recent police shooting of an unarmed African American male. A video surfaced of the shooting of the 29 year old black male, Jacob Blake – who was shot 7 times in the back by Kenosha Wisc. police officer Rusten Sheskey. 

In the wake of the shooting amid extensive protest and the city’s cry for justice, the NBA team Milwaukee Buck’s have been expected to resume play as they embark on their playoff journey. As we tune in, the unexpected happened as the Buck’s kick off an NBA boycott of game against the Orlando Magic. As players and coaches became aware, this act set off a chain of cancellations from other teams and other professional sports as a sign of solidarity. 

Milwaukee Bucks Boycott Playoff Game

Although this may seem like an extreme position to take, this is a huge platform to utilize in an effort to communicate social change and police reform. As the incident and details of this event develops, we applaud those who are using their voice and hope that more individuals are willing to step up. We will continue to speak and remain vocal on these issues in all capacities and we hope that you will too. 

Keep Winning, 

52Wins Team